Monday, September 30, 2013

100 Miles Complete

So after this happened (6 minutes faster than my secret goal time!):

I officially hit my 100 miles for the month!

However, my fundraising goal is a little short:

So on this last day of National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, if you would like to help me reach my goal please donate here:
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

So here's the thing.

The federal government allots $5 billion a year to cancer research. FOUR PERCENT of that is for children. Their reasoning? Kids turn into adults, so it benefits them in the long run.

Childhood cancer is ugly. It’s unfair. There’s no one to blame for it. Most parents don’t want to even think about it, because the thought of dealing with cancer and their babies is just too much.

Childhood cancer will not go away if you ignore it. It will not go away if you don’t read my posts. Justin is not here anymore; not on earth anyway. This little boy, that I used to imagine growing up to be a mini-Justin Timberlake, is gone. He had the moves, the eyes, the curly blond hair… and now I can only imagine what he’d look like at 16. Even though it's been well over a year since he died, I still can't believe I have to tell you that he would have been the next JT, instead of showing you.

So I will keep running even though my hip is a little out of place, even though I’m covered in scabs from a nasty fall, even though I have chafing all over my chest from my bra, because I will not let the memory of Justin die. Not a mile goes by I don’t think of him, even if it’s just for a fleeting second. That’s why I ask for donations. Because if there’s any organization that’s going to get us closer to a cure, it’s Alex’s Lemonade Stand. They lost their little girl. They’ve lived the nightmare. They understand. Before Alex died, her lemonade stands raised over $1 million. That’s why we’re trying to collectively raise $1 million through the miles this month. To honor Alex, Justin, and all the other kids that won’t live long enough to be cured of any secondary cancers they might develop as a result of treatment.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Double Your Money

This month has been a challenge. That’s the point though, right? We’re challenging ourselves to cover 100 miles in a month because we’re all collectively trying to cover one million miles during National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

One million miles is 40 times around the equator or two round-trips to the moon. But it’s only 76 miles for each kid or adolescent who will be diagnosed with cancer this year in the United States alone. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15 in the United States. That’s why it is vital that we raise money to cure it, now.


So far this month I’ve managed to walk and run 68.55 miles. I am completely confident in hitting my 100 mile goal by the end of the month, even though I did eat the pavement yesterday and had to cut my run short. It's beautiful outside, and I plan on walking as much as possible on my lunch breaks, and running in the evenings.

So here’s my challenge to you – help me hit my goal of $1,000. The first four donations I receive from here on out, I will match (up to $50). If you donate $50 or more, I will write your name on the back of my Team Lemon shirt that I’ll be wearing at the Ocean City Half Marathon on Sunday, September 29.  See how your donation helps, and considerdonating in honor of Justin today. If you act fast, your donation will be worth twice as much!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Double Run Day

Today is a double run day.

My time management skills are really being tested this month! I consider myself fairly decent at it, but if one thing doesn't go according to plan, then it's a domino effect.

Yesterday my office had a pot luck lunch. I tried to take it easy on the bad for you delicious stuff, and stick with the shrimp cocktail and fruit... But my stomach wasn't happy with me. By 5, it was angry. Five miles was not happening. I was not risking anything on the treadmill. Of course, everything was fine just in time for class to start. What can you do? I kept it simple with peanut butter and apple slices for dinner.

I earned half a comp day from the meeting I did in New York a couple weeks ago, so I don't have to go in today until 1. Headed into the city for an 8 AM doctor's appointment, and will promptly do the 5 miles I was supposed to do last night. After work I'll do the other 3 on the calendar for today.

After today I'll have completed 56.78 miles. It's been hard fitting everything in, but it's been worth it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Halfway There

So I had one reservation when signing up for the Million Mile Run: I didn’t want my hip to become gimpy again. Well… here we are. 16 days and 37.36 miles in, and my hip is acting up. So how did this happen?

On Friday, I had a great 3 mile run with negative splits(!). afterwards, my hip felt tight. I stretched and then danced my face off at a dear friend’s wedding.

The “before” picture
Saturday I was still sore, so I did a flatter, hungover 5K, instead of the 5 miles I had slated. Later that night I was still sore – sorer than I’d like to be.

I reluctantly skipped my 11 mile run yesterday. I still feel guilty about it, even though I know logically it was the right move. This morning it was still sore, and I know for sure I made the right move (even if I still feel gimpy). Luckily you can both run and walk the miles for the Million Mile Run, so here’s my modified plan (the green being what’s already been completed):
45 min temp
OCNJ 1/2 Marathon

I’ve thrown in a lot more walking, to keep my mileage up by give my hip a break from all the high impact. I also knocked out the speedwork. I’ll get back to that when my hip is healthy. I also plan on using a lot of ice and taking more time to stretch – my least favorite part.  Also, I think this weekend I’ve had more junk than I had in the past month, so I’m also going to clean up my plate. I’m sure my hip would love me to be a little lighter.
Any other suggestions for keeping an apparently chronic injury at bay?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Atlantic City Race Series Discount!

So the Million Mile Run is in full swing! I started on September 1 with a hot, humid, nasty sweaty 10 mile run where I was cursing the world the entire time. Dan and I were in Syracuse, and I’m really impressed he didn’t push me right into the Old Erie Canal. I would have. I specifically wanted to go back there because we had such a great 20 miler there last year. Well it turns out that when you don’t start until 10:30 AM you lose all your shade, and that Mac & Cheese Hot Dogs are not the best for carb loading (but it was SO GOOD).

I took two days off instead of one because my legs were super sore from the run. Here’s how my mileage was for the rest of last week: 
Also, I wanted to share this great deal I was just emailed:

Run on the historic Atlantic City Boardwalk featuring ocean and bay views, music all the way and a finish line party and beer garden, the Certified Boston Qualifier is one of the best small marathons in the country! In 2012 the Atlantic City Marathon Finisher Medals were voted top 25 in the Nation by Marathon and Beyond Magazine.

I’ll be doing the Half Marathon on Sunday, October 13. It’s my back up if I don’t hit my super secret time goal for the Ocean City Half Marathon on September 29. If you want to run with me, take advantage of that code – and maybe make your training miles count by signing up for the (free!) Million Mile Run as well.