The Four Seasons Parkway Run for Children’s Cancer Research is a 5K that starts at the Four Seasons outside of Logan Square, runs along West River Drive, and then back to the Four Seasons for a complete breakfast. Good cause and good food!? I was all:
But then I was sidelined, and then when I tried to run again, with every step the pain got worse. I was supposed to run 9 miles on Saturday, how was I going to swing that plus a 5K on Sunday? So instead, Dan and I decided to do 6 miles after the 5K instead, making time for this:
Oktoberfest celebrations made it tough to get out the door in the morning, but knowing we were meeting up with Christine provided the right motivation to not ditch the cheese to my macaroni. We stayed with Christine until about the first mile or so, and then Dan and I slowed it down. Between my busted hip, and his bruised ankle, we were feeling pretty blah around mile 2.5. We sucked it up, got through it, found Christine and then ate a feast before going back out for another 5.8 miles.
Without the pressure of 7,000 other participants, we took the rest of the run much easier. We ran from the hotel to Kelly Drive and back. A very pretty run, and a nice change of pace from south Jersey. The last few miles killed me though.
The Parkway Run raised over $850,000 for the Cancer Center at CHOP, and the Four Seasons really accommodated the large group with the same excellence as they do with their hotels. While the race festivities were going on, the Cancer Center at CHOP held a candlelight vigil for the children that passed this year.
We miss you buddy.
This makes me cry,thank you Carolyn and Dan for caring about my peanut who is in heaven. He was smiling at the two of you. On behalf of my family, they also thank you too. God bless you! Love pat