Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Running in Slow Motion

After I was finally feeling faster and stronger in my runs, the middle of August hit and I feel like I’ve been going backwards. It's been hard to blog because even with using childhood cancer as motivation, I still suck at this.

On August 11 and 12, the long runs were enough to make me want to quit. On Saturday, August 11 Dan came with me to tackle the 12 miles before our haircuts that afternoon. The weekend was packed – following the hair appointments, we were heading up to New Brunswick for a wedding, and the next day driving down to a friend’s place in Drexel Hill for an afternoon BBQ.

I don’t remember the specifics. I think I blocked them all out. I do remember we started late, my stomach hurt, my legs felt like lead, and 4 miles in I realized we weren’t going to have time to finish. We walked about two miles home, me pouting all along the way, and swore to do it the morning after the wedding. The wedding itself was beautiful, and it was great to catch up with Dan’s friends from Princeton. I hadn’t seen some of them in years!

We slept in until about 8 AM, found the Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park, and decided we were going to run through New Brunswick to get there, run there, and then be back in time to check out from the hotel and then head down to Drexel Hill. We were completely unprepared, under fueled, dehydrated, and basically messes. Things were going really well for the first couple miles, and then we got lost. The sun was blazing. We had to travel on roads without sidewalk and no shoulder. We finally found our entrance to the park, and we basically had to ford the river. REALLY?! After we crossed the river (no oxen died), we hit a beautiful, shaded trail that I’d love to explore again.

By the time we hit mile 5 we were out of water and out Shot Blok was gone. We decided to turn around and surrender. We took a more direct route back to the hotel, which prevented us from getting lost, but provided zero shade and some scary neighborhoods. I think the only time I ran during those two-ish miles was when Starbucks was in sight. Dan and I spent over $20 in non-coffee beverages, we were so thirsty. We happily walked and chugged out beverages, and made it back to the hotel. We completed 10.1 miles of the needed 12. I tried to shake it off that we really did 14.33 in 24 hours, and that was close enough. I was very disappointed though.

Monday I excelled at the rest day, and went to Target and bought enough fuel so that Dan and I would never crash on a trail again.

Then Tuesday I woke up with a cold. My midweek runs were scheduled to be 3 miles, 7 miles, 4 miles, but I was scared that I was going to feel worse Wednesday, so I did the 7 Tuesday. Wednesday my car battery died, and I didn’t get home until 8 PM. Thursday I took a sick day from work and training. Friday didn’t go much better. Saturday was Natalie’s dress fitting and shower, so Dan and I just took a walk for cross training.

Sunday Dan and I set out for 15 miles. It took about a half hour longer than I would have liked, but at least this time we were hydrated and fueled. I was feeling pretty miserable from mile 1, but I finished and that’s all I care about. Here I am, sore two days later and praying my 3 miles tonight doesn’t kill, and that it doesn’t drag. I’m over these miles going in slow motion!

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